Pack Mule or Showhorse

A mentor sat down one morning and told me something that has stuck in my mind ever since. They said, “There are two types of people, pack mules and showhorses.”  He continued to explain that showhorses primarily work for personal gain or benefit. They typically have many opportunities afforded to them because of who they know or the image they present. They are not usually the hardest workers, but they are constantly highlighted for their hard work and given more opportunities because of the show they have put on. In essence, the showhorse is a spotlight performer, only doing what will make them look good in the eyes of those who will help them look better.

On the other hand, the pack mule is the person who simply gets stuff done. Although they are placed in less than desirable conditions or positions, they carry the load and do the hard work that allows the showhorses to receive the praise. Rarely recognized for their contributions to the success or accomplishment of major tasks, pack mules are the gritty hard-working people that can get anything done no matter how challenging. Pack mules rarely see their contributions or successes as impressive or important. Pack mules just get the work done because it needs to get done.

So what category are you part of? As you reflect on this, can you identify showhorses and pack mules you know in your life? When you think of these people, which is more impressive, the pack mules or showhorses? Have you ever thought everything would be perfect if I only had a hundred people like (fill in a person you know)? Does the person you are thinking of have the traits of a pack mule or a showhorse?

Project Pack Mule will attempt to discover key traits and attributes that exemplify the pack mule mindset and way of life. The contributors hope you find the information presented here helpful in your life. If you have questions or would like to drop us a line, please get in touch with us using the link below.